tirsdag, januar 02, 2007

Universal Studios

Benedicte and me with our new loverboy ;) at Universal studios!


At 1:34 a.m., Blogger Ellen said...

Hi Jasna!

I watch your blog every now and then, it's fun to follow your life in Melbourne. It's snowing like mad here today, snow from practically all directions. Simultanously... I've started my own blog: http://traumerogtriatlonitroms.blogspot.com/
Pop in and have a look one day - so far it's only got two posts, but there'll be more!

Love, Ellen

At 1:38 a.m., Blogger Ellen said...

Hi Jasna!

I watch your blog every now and then, it's fun to follow your life in Melbourne. It's snowing like mad here today, snow from practically all directions. Simultanously... I've started my own blog: http://traumerogtriatlonitroms.blogspot.com/
Pop in and have a look one day - so far it's only got two posts, but there'll be more!

Love, Ellen


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